Rental Fee Limit

In the past, the rent of many properties could be increased by arranging new leases with a higher rent, which was above the local comparative rent.

This option for new rentals of existing apartments is hardly possible with the new German regulation called "Mietpreisbremse" (rental price brake).

In detail this means:

  • When renting a new property, you must make sure wether the location of the apartment is classified by the federal state as an area with a tense housing market. If so, the rental price brake will take place.
  • If you have carried out a comprehensive modernization, you should check whether the rental price brake for this apartment does not apply due to the investment volume.
  • When re-letting in affected areas, you should determine  the price, whether the upper limit of local comparative rent plus a maximum of ten percent is met.
  • If you have effectively agreed in a valid rental agreement on a rent that is above the rental price brake, a reduction of the rent is not required - either in the current tenancy or new lease.     +49 7042 2839021    +49 176 62472161
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