How binding is digital communication?


The digital age has long since moved into the management of real estate and changed the communication with the owners and tenants. Writing an e-mail is quick and saves postage. However, not all concerns can be communicated online.
Some property managers have switched to electronic file management. This means that scanned invoices can be sent by e-mail in a very uncomplicated way. But even owners can report defects or a tenant change by mail. Likewise, a request for a new key can be made in this way. A request via WhatsApp is rather the exception and in terms of data protection rather questionable.

When it comes to adhering to deadlines, the usual postal route with acknowledgment of receipt is still the safe route. Because proving the access of an e-mail is more difficult than expected. Even if the sender has a send confirmation, the mail may have landed in the spam folder of the recipient. It is advisable, but not reliable, to request a read receipt.

Almost all topics between administration, owners and tenants can be processed digitally. So the landlord can introduce by e-mail a new contact person or submit the utility bill. Even a planned rent increase may be emailed or a lease can be closed online. However, as described, the sender always has the problem to prove the delivery of the mail.

Much, but not everything can be sent by e-mail. Terminations are excluded. Here, the legislature is still the written form with original signature prescribed.     +49 7042 2839021    +49 176 62472161
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